FiBL Europe
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture in Europe

Based in Brussels, FiBL Europe was founded in 2017 to represent the four national FiBL research institutes (FiBL Switzerland, FiBL Germany, FiBL Austria, FiBL France) and the Hungarian research institute of organic agriculture ÖMKi at a European level. FiBL is one of the world’s leading organic farming research and technology transfer centres on sustainable agriculture with a big expertise in system design, field and on-farm experiments, participatory on-farm research, life cycle assessment, cost-benefit analysis, web management, publications, conference organisation. The FiBL network has a strong focus on disseminating scientific results for its own and external farm advisory organisations, farmers and other stakeholders across Europe. FiBL is also active in transferring the results of the different research activities of FiBL into policy recommendations; and by doing so FiBL works along the whole food supply chain: it is not only focusing in putting knowledge into practice but also supports the decision making process of the organic sector. The network comprises more than 300 scientists working in every field related to organic and sustainable agriculture and experience with more than approx. 200 third party funded projects.
Role in the project
FiBL Europe leads the communication and dissemination work package and is responsible for setting up the Digital Agroecology Cluster.
Key persons inolved
- Bram Moeskops