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Driving Agroecology Forward: Insights from the second PATH2DEA Digital Agroecology Cluster Meeting


On 12th November 2024, the PATH2DEA Digital Agroecology Cluster convened for its second meeting, bringing together stakeholders from diverse projects dedicated to advancing digitalization in sustainable farming practices. 

The first part of the meeting was devoted to the interesting presentation of the projects and their objectives. Presentations were held by representatives from the following projects:

  • Inclusive digital tools project: promotes innovations related to digital tools and their interfaces that enhance inclusiveness, integrate climate change resilience and mitigation with agroecological aims, and enable farmers to develop new practices.
  • Agrosus project: aims to unfold and introduce improved holistic agroecological strategies, co-created with all relevant actors, for the transformation of weed management for a broad range of crops.
  • D4AgEcol project: provides knowledge for the transition to agroecological farming by identifying appropriate digital tools and technologies and suggest measures to adapt and exploit their potentials to the transition to sustainable food and agricultural systems.

The presentations were followed by an interesting discussion aimed at finding connections between the projects aims and challenges. Several recurring themes emerged during the debate, one of these involved farmers inclusion and trust. Presenters emphasized the importance of involving farmers from project inception. Overcoming skepticism and aligning solutions with their practical realities remain vital for success. Furthermore, despite high willingness to adopt digital tools, gaps in accessibility and usability persist.

The PATH2DEA Digital Agroecology Cluster exemplifies the power of collaboration in addressing complex challenges. By integrating technology with agroecological principles or other sustainable agricultural practices, these projects pave the way for sustainable food systems. 

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